Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Telling a Story in 5 Frames (Prewrite and Discovery)

Telling a story in five frames involves using five images or pictures to tell a story, using only a title to guide your viewer/reader's interpretation of your story. Since you are limited to a simple title, it needs to be both significant and fitting to the story you are attempting to tell by purely visual means.

Today, I am asking you to go to the Flickr website and review some stories in 5 frames that have already been created, to gather ideas, and to see what kind of feedback each author gets (

After you have looked over several selections on Flickr, you are required to pre-write before beginning to create your own photo story. To fulfill this assignment, you must look below at the 5 basic requirements for each "frame" or photo and write a response explaining what you will ideally include at each frame of your story. So, for the "1st Photo" you need to write a response discussing who your story will be about, and where and when it will happen. Then continue to address each of the following 4 photos and their required information: Be detailed; you will be graded on the level of your specificity.

Copy and Paste the information below to a new post on your blog, and then address the requirements of each photo, in writing, accordingly:

1st Photo:
Addresses characters, location, and time
2nd Photo: Creates a situation with multiple possibilities of what might happen
3rd Photo: Further addresses the characters in action or a situation
4th Photo: Pushes the story forward and suggests probable outcomes
5th Photo: Contains a logical, but surprising end.

*Avoid simply using a chronological sequence of photos--this is uninteresting, predictable, and won't capture your audience's attention. Choose photos that allow your viewer to fill in the gaps and make their own meaning.

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