Monday, October 25, 2010

Digital Photo Story--Taking the Next Step

You've just watched three examples of high quality digital stories. You, too, are going to create a digital story using photographs (either your own or others) and background music. Like the three examples, you are attempting to tell a coherent, theme-based story, using photographs and music which align and make sense together. As you might expect, you want the photographs to tell the story and the music to provide the tone and emotion.

So, to get started, you need to write a response to the following questions in order to begin thinking about your digital story:

Copy and paste these three requirements to a new post on your blog and then provide thoughtful responses that reflect the depth of your thinking about this assignment.

  • What will the overall theme (main idea) of your story be? Include relevant people, places, ideas, and action that will transpire. In answering this question, you should also answer: What do I want my audience to take away from my digital story?
  • What are your ideas for background music? What emotion should the music covey to the listener/viewer? How will the tone of the music match your photos? Address how the music will align and compliment, not detract, from your digital story.
  • What will the chronology of your photographs be?
  1. For instance, what will be included in the early photos, which start the story and establish the theme and background?
  2. What will occur in the middle and contain most of the action and the moment of highest tension?
  3. What will occur near the end in order to wind the action down and being a resolution to the story? (In all, address the three major movements or acts of your story, as they would play out on the screen.)

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