One essential part of writing well is to test your writing on a sample audience (your peers) and have them comment on your strengths and weaknesses. Conversely, it is also essential that your peers read your writing and give you feedback.
In order to accomplish this task, visit at least two of your peers' blogs, use the format below to comment on their descriptive/narrative pieces, and leave your feedback as a comment on their blog.
First, read your peer's essay and give them positive feedback. Tell the writer what you like about their essay. It could be their word choice, tone, choice of descriptive language. No matter what you comment upon, give them some specific, yet positive commentary.
In this section you need to ask questions about parts of the essay you don't necessarily understand. Or, you may choose to ask questions, which push the author to take a new direction, if you think it's appropriate. Begin your questions with, "I am wondering if...." This will encourage constructive questions, which are not condescending.
Now it is time to press the author to make improvements and to push them to develop their idea further. This is where you should be critical of some part of the author's writing and give him or her suggestions to improve or fix it.
In this section it will help to (ask the writer directly) what they want you to press upon. They may be aware of some weakness in their writing, which you can look explicitly at, and help them improve.
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