Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Blog Post #5 TED Talk on Internet Video

After watching the following video on how internet video (such as YouTube) powers global innovation, address the issues in a new post to your blog:

  1. According to the TED talk, how has video powered innovation and learning?
  2. How do you use internet video and for what purpose(s)? Provide specific examples and accompanying explanations!
TED Video

Friday, January 27, 2012

iDida Contest Details and Link

Digital Composition Students!

Consider submitting your work to the ASTE (Alaska Society for Technology in Education) iDida contest. Movies, Digital Photography, Podcasts, and Original Music are all accepted and can be uploaded at the ASTE site at the following link:

Deadline is January 30th!


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Required Blog Post #4

The following article about Google's use of your personal information was published by the Atlantic Magazine and is a timely piece on digital ethics. Click the link. Read the article. Then respond to the following questions as a new post to your blog:

Google Article in the Atlantic

Address the following on your blog:

In your opinion, has Google crossed a line by taking the actions that are documented in this article? How might you change your behavior when using Google products in the future as a result of the changes?

Remember, detail counts! You need to refer to specific details from the article to give yourself the opportunity to get full credit.

Due Friday, January 26th 2012

Friday, January 20, 2012


After watching the TED talk at the following link:

Please respond to the following questions in a new post to your blog:

1. What does SOPA & PIPA threaten to do to everyday users of digital media?

2. How would these threats change your own behavior and usage of the internet and other digital media? Be specific about what you now do on the internet, and what you would not be able to do if SOPA passes congress.

3. Finally, what ethical concerns are bound up in this legislation?--think about the three areas of digital ethics in order to answer this question.
